Thursday, December 2, 2010

Say what you mean

Have you ever noticed how polite people mostly are?
I find myself doing the same thing sometimes:

Oh really? Is that what you thought?
Hmm, I could see why you might think that.
Oh, you think misogyny is great for a laugh, ha ha.
Well, that's certainly one way you could interpret that story...
Shoulder pads are coming back in fashion? You don't say.

Or you could just say,
I disagree.
Which is also satisfying, to the point, and more truthful.

Finally, I seem to have lost my instant Netherlands followers.
They came like a rainbow after a shower.
All bright and shiny and inexplicable but delightful.
Now they have vanished.
Maybe to appear again one day...


Unknown said...

Do you think the tendency to just cut to the chase, to say what you mean, not sugar coat it, comes with age? It seems to me that as I get older I am more comfortable with my opinions and am not as afraid of conflict.
Just a thought...

karen tayleur said...

Hmm, I never noticed you being afraid to say what you mean. (Or maybe that was just with me?) Don's genes at work...

Unknown said...

just with you!!