Thursday, September 30, 2010

Why Six - Part 3

The Message finally got through.
It wasn't an ad campaign.
It wasn't the plethora of adults just trying to save us some pain.
It was a Friday night.
My sister's boyfriend failed to pick her up from work.
Usually she'd be furious, but instead she was just concerned.
A knock at the door late at night.
Her boyfriend's cousin delivered the news.
A tree and a VW Beetle car - not a good combo.
My sister spent days looking for the right black hat
for the funeral. But really it was just about something to do because it was too hard to think about the reality.

And now my kids are driving age.
Six is my message to them and their friends and every other young driver
who deserve not to be a road statistic.
It's not about going crazy on the road
but about making bad choices.

I hope they get it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a sad story... I give the same advice to my relatives. The "you don't want to end up as road statistic" part, I mean. I want them to have a long life and good memories along with it.

There was one time that we got in an accident back then. Good thing that caused no fatal wounds to any of us in the car. Good thing they were just broken bones that can heal over time. It's just the car that took the damage. When we recovered, we had our car fixed for collision repair. Dallas, TX, our home town, has a good auto repair shop. They even gave us reminders about road safety and all that. Whenever we get in the car, we remember everything that happened.

We had a lot of memories in Dallas. Collision repairs on the car, the accident, the realizations, the lessons. We never forget about those.